Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our Car Wreck

On our way home we were t-boned by the lady behind us . Mitchell was taking a left hand turn and had his signal on to make the left hand turn when the lady driving behind us t-boned us on the left side in the middle of the driver door. I went to the ER today to make sure that everything is OK. I am glad to let you know that the baby was moving around and the heartbeat was very strong. My finger is very badly sprained and in a sprint but other than that all is well with Mitchell me and the baby. But please keep us in your prayers, as we go through the rest of our pregnancy.


  1. I'm so glad that everything turned out okay - and I'm still a little mad that you didn't call me when it happened.
    Love you

  2. Sorry we were busy calling sheila mom and his ssgt. I love you though and if this ever happens again you will get a call i promise but I am hoping this never happens again! I love you and thank you for your prayers they mean a lot to me.

  3. I'm glad to hear that you are all ok.
    Congrats on the new little one to be.:) Very best Wishes.
