Hello Everyone,
This is Amber (Alana's Sister). I was called and asked to update her blog for her.
Alana's appointment was at 9:00 this morning (eastern time). She had another ultrasound which has confirmed that the baby did not have a heartbeat.
The ultrasound has shown that the baby has been without life for some time, they are estimating about 4 weeks. I know that several of you had questions regarding, proof, and certainty and there were several signs that the baby has in fact been without a heartbeat/life for sometime, I prefer to not go into all the details without direct permission from the family.
They gave Alana and Mitchell the option to wait and see if Alana's body would pass the baby on it's own or to have a D&E (which is similar to a D&C but with a vacuum instead of scraping). They have decided to go ahead with the D&E today.
Alana and Mitchell are doing as well as can be expected (which is not well). My mom and Mitchell's mom are there with them and are supporting them in every way that they know how.
The doctor's are fairly certain that this miscarriage is NOT the result of anything that the baby/Alana was exposed to or did, if that were the case, the miscarriage would more than likely have occurred much earlier. Because she was as far along as she was they are leaning more towards a genetic reason. They may never know for sure.
Please pray for Alana as she goes into surgery, pray for God's peace and presence to surround both her, Mitchell and both families. I feel like I have so much more to ask for but will leave it at that for now.
Thank you for your prayers and support, they are very much felt and appreciated.
If you would like Mitchell & Alana's information (phone numbers, email or address) please e-mail me at aschoessow@gmail.com