Saturday, January 24, 2009

Update on the baby

Just wanted to write a quick update on what is going on. We are trying to keep our spirits up, we are hoping that maybe we just had our dates off and we are only 11 weeks. If this is the case the heartbeat might not be able to be detected yet. Our appointment is on Monday at 9:00am. They will do another ultra sound and I am going to bring the pictures from the first ultra sound with to see if the baby has moved in at all. This would be a great sign. If there is still no heartbeat detected(after other types of test to, me and mom want to make sure) I will then be going into surgery to have the D&C. Please prayer for our strength, we are trying to keep our spirits up but it is difficult. I know that the Lords plan for us is already laid out, but I love to know that I have control so it has been hard for me the last few days trying to let the Lord have complete control. I have been cramping a little bit today which I am hoping is from holding Shayla, so please please pray for us.


  1. I am praying for you and can only imagine all that is racing through your mind! Know that God has this all worked out and focus on the blessings that you have been given. God is good and never gives us more then we can handle.
    - Heather

  2. I'm still praying...
