Monday, January 26, 2009

1.26.09 7:00pm Update

I just got off of the phone with Alana, she sounds a little groggy but much better than she did this morning when I spoke with her (this is Amber again).
She is feeling fine physically, just minor cramping and very tired. She is at home now, which is good, and is taking it easy - I'm sure with both of the moms there & Mitch, she is being very well taken care of.
Alana had expressed a desire to see the baby if she could but because of the procedure and the time that the baby was left in the womb, this was not possible. They were also unable to find out the sex of the baby.

Alana (& Mitch), I don't have any words to say to take away the pain, and to be honest, I don't think I would even if I could, because to lose the pain would mean that this baby didn't matter, and that simply wouldn't be true. Your child, my niece or nephew, will forever be a part of my/our lives, and will never be forgotten. Even though we never had the privilege of holding your gift in our arms, we will always carry him/her in our heart.
I want you both to know that it's okay to hurt, and it's okay to grieve, just be sure that you allow the Holy Spirit to comfort you and strengthen you.
I love you both so much.

I found this video online today and I want to dedicate it to you, Alana, my wonderful sister.

Update 1.26.09 10:35

Hello Everyone,
This is Amber (Alana's Sister). I was called and asked to update her blog for her.
Alana's appointment was at 9:00 this morning (eastern time). She had another ultrasound which has confirmed that the baby did not have a heartbeat.
The ultrasound has shown that the baby has been without life for some time, they are estimating about 4 weeks. I know that several of you had questions regarding, proof, and certainty and there were several signs that the baby has in fact been without a heartbeat/life for sometime, I prefer to not go into all the details without direct permission from the family.
They gave Alana and Mitchell the option to wait and see if Alana's body would pass the baby on it's own or to have a D&E (which is similar to a D&C but with a vacuum instead of scraping). They have decided to go ahead with the D&E today.

Alana and Mitchell are doing as well as can be expected (which is not well). My mom and Mitchell's mom are there with them and are supporting them in every way that they know how.

The doctor's are fairly certain that this miscarriage is NOT the result of anything that the baby/Alana was exposed to or did, if that were the case, the miscarriage would more than likely have occurred much earlier. Because she was as far along as she was they are leaning more towards a genetic reason. They may never know for sure.

Please pray for Alana as she goes into surgery, pray for God's peace and presence to surround both her, Mitchell and both families. I feel like I have so much more to ask for but will leave it at that for now.

Thank you for your prayers and support, they are very much felt and appreciated.
If you would like Mitchell & Alana's information (phone numbers, email or address) please e-mail me at

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Update on the baby

Just wanted to write a quick update on what is going on. We are trying to keep our spirits up, we are hoping that maybe we just had our dates off and we are only 11 weeks. If this is the case the heartbeat might not be able to be detected yet. Our appointment is on Monday at 9:00am. They will do another ultra sound and I am going to bring the pictures from the first ultra sound with to see if the baby has moved in at all. This would be a great sign. If there is still no heartbeat detected(after other types of test to, me and mom want to make sure) I will then be going into surgery to have the D&C. Please prayer for our strength, we are trying to keep our spirits up but it is difficult. I know that the Lords plan for us is already laid out, but I love to know that I have control so it has been hard for me the last few days trying to let the Lord have complete control. I have been cramping a little bit today which I am hoping is from holding Shayla, so please please pray for us.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Peace of Heaven

Today was our 15 weeks appointment. We need prayer! The beginning of the appointment went great she said everything felt like it was suppose to. They did a pap smear said all was normal. We then went into the ultra sound, the did a vaginal ultra sound, as we sat there looking at our beautiful peace of heaven the ultra sound tech then turned the computer screen away and said that it looked like the baby seemed to only be at 11 weeks, I am suppose to be at 15. She then said she would be right back. She then brought another doctor in and they turned on the doppler to see if they could hear a heartbeat. When they turned it on I heard nothing the look on there faces told me everything. They said that the baby looks very healthy and she could not figure out why this would of happened. Please please pray for us. We are being scheduled for another ultra sound at the hospital if this one to shows up no heart beat then they will proceed with a DNC. I have two prayer request first strength for me and Mitchell through this hard time. And Secondly that if it is Gods will that our little angle will have a heartbeat at this next appointment. And that is was there machinery. Thank you for your thoughts and Prayers at this time it mean a lot to me and Mitchell. I guess I have one more prayer for Mitchell he holds all his feelings in and I just want to know there is someone that he can turn to, I know that if Mitchell will turn to him the Lord will hold him through this tuff time. Thank you for everything.

Our Peace of Heaven

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Atomic Hot Wings

As most of you know Mitchell and I were recently home for a visit. While there we were able to visit both sides of the family. It was a lot of fun and we were even able to do our family Christmases! The one thing that Mitchell had the most fun at while we were there was going to dinner with Sean and Liv and the rest of the Wiemann family. We went to Quaker Steak and Lube, now for any of you that have ever eaten here you have heard about the Atomic Hot Wings. Mitchell tool this as a personal challenge when all of his brothers were telling him that they could only eat one and there was no way he could eat more than one. So Mitchell tells our waitress that he wants an order of the wings. Well she is gone for a few minutes and instead of returning with the wings she returnes with a waiver for him to sign just in case something happens to him. This just got him more pumped up for what was to come. Like I said before he was taking it as a personal challenge to eat all four wings. This is the first bite! He was litteraly crying, he says his eyes were just watering but I think other wise! It is just amazing most people would have stopped at this point, but no not my husband. I at this point realize oh man he is going to be sleeping next to me tonight! Here is the second hot wing he is smiling but what the pictures do not show is that in between the pictures was him blowing out through the mouth trying to get the hottness out of his mouth. In between hot wing and three Mitchell had to go to the bathroom now in the waiver it states that after eating an atomic wing you must wash your hands throughfully but it still might hurt, thank goodness it didnt hurt him! Here are more pictures of wing three and four.

Now the whole way home Mitchell was telling all of us or trying to convince us that they were not that bad, but he could hardly talk half of the way home becasue he kept having to suck in cold air just to cool his mouth off! Needless to say sleeping next to him that night was not a lot of fun! Well hope you all enjoyed our story of the Atomic Hot Wings!